Why do you use such of tone ?
Can't you just speak softly or nicely just like PK HEM ?
I did apologize to you but why you still treat me that way?
I didn't mean to blame .....
Just wanna make clear everything ...
Your words maybe for you is normal but for me it means much ....
What you talk today really hurt me deeply ....
Feeling like mentality have been torture...
Is that way that teacher talk to a student ...
I did catch up hardly but just because of your words ...
"It look like photostat...not written by him"
"You said yes , But i said NO "
"My head will drop to the drain if i trust you
"I can't find a reason to borrow you the project and this is not the good one"
Cried when sukan tara ......
Flashback those means sentence ....
Emo - ing all the day ....
Missing of YOU some more ...
Really make me exhausted ....
Thanks mate that accompany me when tears drowning whole of my face....
And other things ......WHY ?
Why ajk discipline are not allow to wear shorts ?
Then Aziz allow me ?
Are teacher just simply all coming towards me at one same time ?
Why ...tell me why ?
I'm gonna stop all of this .....
Waiting for the rise of the sun .....
I'll settle it ASAP .....
Then face you !
BYE BYE Moral project !
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